Helleborus niger
Hellebore (Species) Christmas Rose
Early Winter 2022
- 1
Late Winter 2021
- 0
Mid Autumn 2020
- 1
Mid Autumn 2020
- 6
Mid Autumn 2020
- 1
Early Summer 2020
- 1
Early Winter 2020
- 1
Late Autumn 2019
- 4
Mid Winter 2019
- 2
Mid Autumn 2018
- 2
Mid Autumn 2018
- 4
Early Autumn 2018
- 2
Mid Winter 2018
- 2
Mid Winter 2018
- 1
Early Winter 2018
- 0
Early Winter 2018
- 0
Early Winter 2018
- 2
Early Winter 2017
- 2
Late Autumn 2017
- 4
Late Autumn 2017
- 1
Late Autumn 2017
- 10
Mid Autumn 2017
- 1
Mid Autumn 2017
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 4
Mid Summer 2017
- 2
Early Spring 2017
- 1
Late Winter 2017
- 4
Mid Winter 2017
- 2

Helleborus niger
Early Winter 2022
Late Winter 2021
Mid Autumn 2020

So pure!
Mid Autumn 2020

There is a star in my window - and hellebores on the table! #hellebore #star #pre-advent

I love the star, Mona 😍😍😍 and the hellebore is pretty, too! 😘

Thanks @jacaranda. All my new hellebores will go into the garden when spring comes - there is always room, right?

Hell yeah! 🦌🎄Let's get holly jolly in here!❄⛄I'm ready to be up to my neck in Christmas posts. 🎅🤶

Agreed @savannahssucculentgarden ! There is so much enjoying to be done between now and Christmas - we’d better get started!

That’s star is fabulous Mona ⭐️🌟
Mid Autumn 2020

Out of the decay unfolds pure white miracles.
Early Summer 2020

Clean and white in a way that I never get to see them during their main season.
Early Winter 2020

Late Autumn 2019

As much as I love them, my Christmas roses rarely look pristine this time of year. Lots of flowers, but always battered and bruised by wind, rain, frost and often quite a bit of blackspot as well. But from my window I don't see the imperfections, and all the blooms look like perfect little lights dotted all over my borders. I know the truth, but I enjoy the fantasy as well.

Same here! 🙂

I love how the hellebore leaves stay green when just about everything else folds into gray mud @ulrikagustafsson. We're not quite there yet, there is still a lot of green here and there, but as most things shut down, miss hellebore runs the show! -As long as I manage to strike a balance between cutting and keeping, to ensure the right amount of circulating air.

Yes, it’s lovely with some green with everything else looking very grey. I’ve got two right beside eachother, one flowering in August and the other one full of buds right now. I must confess that I don’t take care of them very well but they seem to thrive anyway. I have a red one but it flowered in spring. There is nothing that’ is green here now, the hellebore buds are something to focus on, it gives me a little hope.
Mid Winter 2019

This is one of the nigers I got at 70% when my local nursery was selling out to minimize stock over the winter. It must have dropped quite a few seeds while it sat there all season, because those little seedlings look very promising.

Mid Autumn 2018
Mid Autumn 2018

Though nothing beats springtime, I love this time of year, when pure white miracles pop up through the brown decay.

I must admit that none of my many Nigers resulted from homegrown babies - though I found quite a few seedlings this year, so there might be many more in my future. These past few years I've been buying discounted hellebores (plural - one is never enough, you know) each autumn. Do you think I'll be able to stop myself from doing it again this year? @columbiariver

Thanks, @gjones

You know I will! @columbiariver. I asked my husband the same question, and he just laughed... 🤣🤣🤣 I think even he can see all the bare spots that are simply crying out for some hellebore magic.
Early Autumn 2018

I am getting ready for autumn these days (see previous photo of my second rainwater tank), but my heart and mind is already longing for springtime.

I always think summer is too short @gjones , but I kind of like autumn too. Could do without January and February, though. I see you've had frost already. Our nights are about 6c still, with days around 15c.
Mid Winter 2018
Mid Winter 2018

I love my nigers, but chances are they aren’t completely happy in my wet conditions. I’m sure some of it is black spot, but quite a lot seems to be just plain rot. I cut back and tidy up as best as I can and hope for a better next year. Getting rid of them is not an option, because the foliage is fine and I love the fresh green it provides almost all year round.
Early Winter 2018
Early Winter 2018
Early Winter 2018

Petals bent from frost, but still beautiful.

Still beautiful!!💘😍
Early Winter 2017

It is going to be a soggy Christmas (not unlike every season around here), but there is still beauty if you go looking for it.

@gjones @columbiariver, To me, they shine like little lights, and it almost feels like a miracle how they're hardly affected by the brown, slimy sogginess that surrounds them. I just love them more and more!
Late Autumn 2017

"Snow day"

Wow my hellebores are not blooming yet! Your's is a beauty!!💘😍

Mine have been at it for months, @ShelleySnyder! Actually, they seem to be blooming both in spring and autumn, just taking a brief rest during summer. Must be our mild and wet weather.

REALLY!!? Wow bonus!!👍💘😍
Late Autumn 2017

We're calling this snow, but really it is just hail that is quickly turning into slush.
Late Autumn 2017

#frost for about a day, and then we are supposed to get back to mild and wet conditions.

HIYA!! This is So Pretty! Would U have root cuttings u could share? I'd love to add this to my garden😍 @emve

I'd be happy to share @Acetaker, but I have never tried to propagate hellebores by root cuttings, so I don't know if it will work. Perhaps other GTers have some experience with this? This niger will also be moved to a more permanent location this spring, so the roots will be easily accessible for cuttings if you want to give it a try.

Hi! Yes,I'd love to try that. I believe roots would be just fine with them kept moist for the trip. Just take the city g and wrap a damp paper towel around it and out in in a ziplock bag. If you want to try just let me know and I'll keep a eye out for them.. TY 😍

It will have to wait for springtime @Acetaker - just don't let me forget 🤣 My email = mona.vold.aase@haugnett.no if you want to send me your mailing address.

I sure will😊 Mine is: greeneyes7742@yahoo.com keep in touch My email I just sent came from another be I had that keeps messing up. Plz send bk a small email from u to this email I just gave u above..TY AND CHAT SOON 😍 @emve

I just got email back showing a invaild mailbox..hehe! @emve just email me at greeneyes7742@yahoo.com

I just sent you a test email right now @Acetaker

Will u try again..I don't see it😀 @emve

I tried again @Acetaker. Not seeing any error messages. Perhaps if you check your spam folder?
Mid Autumn 2017

Most of my nigers come out looking like they were sprayed with mud. I think it is because it has been so extremely wet, but it might also be the beginnings of black spot. Will have to keep an eye on them.
Mid Autumn 2017

And now, back to being at least sort of sane for the rest of the year. Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween!
Early Autumn 2017

The other day, while I was in the back of a border tying down a climbing rose, I accidentally dropped a piece of twine. As I sifted through fallen leaves to look for it, I found this little beauty instead.

There is so much that I love, but I think most of all I love the small, humble plants that stay close to the ground and just quietly do their thing. @cyndi

Oh and @cyndi, I think that umbrella-thing for the feeder has evolved into something quite different than you and I discussed - into something I am fairly certain I'll be able to pull off on my own... The project will take me some time, but I am excited - stay tuned😉

I 💚surprises like that in the garden! @emve
Mid Summer 2017
Early Spring 2017

I love how the new leaves are all scrunched up and wrinkly as they unfold! #newgrowth
Late Winter 2017
Mid Winter 2017

Wind-battered and frost-bitten, but there is still hope. Hopefully the Niger enjoys its duvet as much as I love being greeted by the green/white combo everyday.

And miss Myrtle in the back.