Vitis Vinifera 'Muscat Bleu'
Red Grape Vine 'Muscat Blue'
Late Summer 2020
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Early Summer 2020
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Early Summer 2020
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Early Summer 2020
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Early Summer 2020
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Vitis Vinifera 'Muscat Bleu'
Late Summer 2020
Early Summer 2020

This is the same broken vine at the tip, would you be concerned by this junction that I have circled? Any of the shoots above it appear to be dead (top circle) but having said that, there does seem to be new shoots growing. Would you tie anything to the post for the vine to grab onto or tie it loosely with twine as it grows as I have in this picture? #teamgardentags
Early Summer 2020

My daughters helping me plant my new muscat bleu grapevines
Early Summer 2020
Early Summer 2020

My daughter very innocently broke the tip off my newly planted muscat blue grape vine and now I’m not sure what to do. Should I leave it and see what happens or prune it? #teamgardentags

I'd neaten up the break then train the new sideshoots. Plenty of food amd water and it should bounce back fine.

Thank you very much for the advice #charlie83 I will do just that and see how it gets on. What kind of food would you recommend?

You want nitrogen to get it growing. Chicken poop is always a good one. Don't allow any fruit to grow this year. A quick search on the RHS website gives plenty of training/pruning tips.

#charlie83 would tomato feed/fertiliser work as food for the vine? If not, I’ll get something else.

It will give it some nourishment, but tomato food is intended to increase fruit/flower production with Phosphorus. U want more Nitrogen. But don't underestimate the power of Green manure. I plant Lupins and field beans at the base of mine to help retain moisture, keep weeds at bay and fix nitrogen.

#charlie83 thank you so much for your advice. I did what you suggested and the vine bounced back so well and has grown so well! Thank you!!
I planted my vines in May to grow up my Pergola and they’ve done really well until recently a lot of the leaves are falling off and all the ends of branches look like this i.e. dead. Is this normal or has disease struck?? #teamgardentags #gardentags