- Mid Summer 2021
- 11
- 2
- Late Autumn 2020
- 4
- 1
- Early Autumn 2020
- 14
- 1
- Late Summer 2020
- 6
- 4
- Mid Summer 2020
- 1
- 1
- Early Summer 2019
- 7
- 1
- Early Summer 2019
- 7
- 3
Sulcorebutia langeri
- Mid Summer 2021
- 11
- Late Autumn 2020
- 4
This one is getting huge too, I will degraft it in spring. #cactus #graft #rebutia
- Early Autumn 2020
- 14
It's about 5 times the size it was 😀 #graft #cactus #grafted-cactus
- Late Summer 2020
- 6
Slowly getting bigger, how big is good to degraft? Approximately #grafted #graftedcactus
If this has a yellow flower it could be Rebutia cardenasiana
Why do u want to degraft?
@heatherdirtyhands I only attempted grafting it at it was a little cutting that had done nothing for several years but still looked alive (hadn't dried up or rotted away), so I'm hoping that since it has been growing now it might have enough energy to put out some of its own roots
- Mid Summer 2020
- 1
Still don't know what this is, any ideas? Sulcorebutia? Mammillaria? #cactusID #succulentID PlantID
- Early Summer 2019
- 7
Happy little graft, growing really well now #cactusID #succulentID #graft
- Early Summer 2019
- 7
What is it? This little guy was dormant in my possession for about 5 years, sitting on some soil hoping it would root, but it never did, so I decided to have a go at grafting and put it on a dragon fruit seedling. It's only been on there about a month and already it's started growing #cactusID #succulentID
Wow!!! that's amazing! Guess it reeeally wanted to live. Did it stay firm while it had no roots?
@sushiwaitress yes it stayed firm, but it wasn't as green as it is now, maybe that's what stopped it making roots, not enough energy
Finally it flowered, so I know know what it actually is.
It’s beautiful! I love rebutia. 🌞