Early Autumn 2016
Mid Summer 2016
Mid Summer 2016

Please help me identify this plant. I've no clue what it is. I've Not been involved in the garden for a couple of weeks due to bad back, ive just gone out and seen this popping through. Got absolutely no clue what it is for a change :-D Thank you in advance for the help and Hope One and All are doing well :-)

Is it a Fresia. I'm no expert though. Hope your backs better 😀

Hi 😊 Hope your back is feeling better and you're on the mend. I think I'm thinking along the same lines as @susanhumphrey333 with Freesia?

Looks like a freesia to me as well. Bet it smells gorgeous

Thank you very much @susanhumphrey333 and @TheGardenWife @vec for the identity of this new flower :-) Backs getting there its just a bit slow but getting there :-) Many thanks :-)

Just loooove the colors❤💛. Hope you're on the mend soon.

They really are beautiful :-) thanks @SikoMa it's slowly slowly but getting there :-) Thank you :-)

@fcmp, I broke two bones in my back about 15yrs ago (L2 & L3). Took foreverrrr to heal and the only thing I have found that really works, is to hang upside down by my feet. That horse won the battle, but I won the war, he got sold. Lol

Ditto @sikoma done a few bones all over unfortunately over the years. Had a disc shaved few years ago that didn't help after popping it, but unfortunately spines twisted, neck and shoulders an pelvis just drop out randomly :-S :-D One day it'll be right I've heard about the upside down before thank you for the info :-) fair doo's on the horse :-D

Ugh! The inversion table isnt very pricy here. Well worth the $100. Working bent over in your garden pobably aches after a while. Get some rest @fcmp 🤕

Thank you @SikoMa I'm on it :-) Absolutely after a minute sometimes :-S :-) Thank you will do
A cutting passed over the fence from the neighbours who thought we'd like them :-)
@fcmp love them! 😃😃
Thank you @hayleyaj :-) Thanks @latebloomer we pass everything backwards an forwards sharing what we grow an vice versa it's really cool very old fashioned but it's definitely the future :-)
@fcmp it very definitely is! I'm the same with my neighbour and mum in law! See something you like, ask for a cutting or seeds! 👍👍👏👏😃😃
:-) It's great @hayleyaj great way to get all you'd never otherwise have :-) We swap Rubbarb in crumbles, potatoes, kale Litterally everything that's grown gets the offer and all manner of stuff comes back the other way :-) It's "The good life" :-)
Wish i had gardening neighbours mine are all take take take lol😁
@fcmp @latebloomer so do we on all fronts. Chicken sit, bunny sit, they look after our garden. When I had a major op in April and couldn't move very far, they bought casseroles and flowers!! 👍👍😃😃👏👏❤️
Good to hear @latebloomer not had a chicken yet though :-D Still time :-) It's definitely going to make for a happier, healthier and more connected future :-)
@Keely just keep giving an at least their kids will see an learn how to act right and you never know one day they might just surprise you :-) Great to hear @hayleyaj not about the opp obviously and Hope you've recovered fully :-) but that your neighbours are stand up people with good morals :-)
@fcmp indeed they are. @keely I agree, lead by example 😃😃👍👍👏👏
That's gorgeous! ❤️💛