I usually use rainbow kale but this looks delicious as well. One juice a day gives me the same energy a few cups of coffee used to give me. It’s a lifestyle change but well worth it. What other veggies have you grown? I see we’re in roughly the same zone. I’m in Illinois. @Felisa
@rudester1 this was my first year and I started pretty late but I did pretty much grow the basics like celery, tomatoes, kale, zucchini, cucumbers, peppers, and chives. Not a whole lot but this coming season will be better.😃
Ive only been gardening for about 5 months now. So I’m doing a lot of experimenting and trying different ways of doing things. So far I think kale does great as part of a #containergarden
My beautiful bouquet of kale! So yummy!
Good to know! Thanks for the info @cyndi 🙂