Rudbeckia hirta 'Irish Eyes'
Coneflower 'Irish Eyes'
Mid Summer 2018
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Mid Summer 2018
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Mid Summer 2018
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Mid Summer 2018
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Rudbeckia hirta 'Irish Eyes'
Mid Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2018

I think I might need some advice this is the same plant as in the next photo. The healthy One is planted at the top of the garden in a ground level flower bed. The other is in a raised bed previously used as a veg patch. Growing tomatoes and potatoes. They both have same amount of sunlight in a south west facing garden. Which is pretty much sun all day. Does it look like a disease anyone recognises. The leaves have essentially crumbled and died on the unhealthy rudbeckia. #disease #advice

It might be powdery mildew from lack of moisture, are the healthy ones getting more moisture?

I actually watered the unhealthy ones around the soil, not the leaves and last thing at night. Just incase they were drying out. Which is unlikely as the soil is sligtly more moist there than where the healthy ones are due to the layer of bark chippings that was on it.

I think I may have to dig them all up and tip them before it spreads to other beds. Such a shame 15 plants all grown from seed.
Mid Summer 2018

I think I might need some advice this is the same plant as in the next photo. The healthy One is planted at the top of the garden in a ground level flower bed. The other is in a raised bed previously used as a veg patch. Growing tomatoes and potatoes. They both have same amount of sunlight in a south west facing garden. Which is pretty much sun all day. Does it look like a disease anyone recognises. The leaves have essentially crumbled and died on the unhealthy rudbeckia. #disease #advice #help

Mid Summer 2018

I grew loads of these from seed. First time with this variety and every single one has ended up like this. Happy for the first couple of months. Now I have a rudbeckia zombie apocalypse!!
Finally enjoying a bit of rain In Worksop
Great photo 💛💚💛