Those plants are not easy. You are doing a great job keeping it in flower. Sometimes a lack of food makes plants flower better. However, you could give it a complete liquid fertiliser and make sure it isnt water logged.I dont know what else you could do. My kids almost killed mine while I was away last year. Yours looks pretty fab to me 😉
Also be careful as recall someone telling me poisonous, so take care with pets and animals. My new fertiliser to try is Langleys Rejuven8tor. Haven't used yet but if like their troforteM I know I will be happy. You do need to be mindful of those horrid hot breezes in summer as will knock spathiphyllums about.
Lacking green but flowers well what might it need
Needs a good feed. Do you fertilise it regularly? @leisel @nej @deekay @roswel
Those plants are not easy. You are doing a great job keeping it in flower. Sometimes a lack of food makes plants flower better. However, you could give it a complete liquid fertiliser and make sure it isnt water logged.I dont know what else you could do. My kids almost killed mine while I was away last year. Yours looks pretty fab to me 😉
Agree with @deekay
@brightcolours I do give the plants seasol on the occasion
@deekay Thanks for your help
@deekay I remember I left my kids in charge of another one I had a couple of years ago they did the same was so disappointed
Seasol is such a good general fertiliser.
Also be careful as recall someone telling me poisonous, so take care with pets and animals. My new fertiliser to try is Langleys Rejuven8tor. Haven't used yet but if like their troforteM I know I will be happy. You do need to be mindful of those horrid hot breezes in summer as will knock spathiphyllums about.