Galium odoratum syn. Asperula odorata
Late Spring 2021
Early Summer 2017

These ones have such wonderful leaves! The shape is amazing!

I love those and like you say wow those leaves! Love them ❤️❤️

@midnightgardener They are a real superstar in our Garden! Like the fashionista of them all! Making a bold statement with those leaves like "POW"!

@fristawolf I need to source some wows! ASAP. Where do you get your amazing plants from? I get mine from B & Q, some from supermarkets if they look good. Then online from Crocus 🌺

@midnightgardener These particular ones are from Long Acres Garden Center, which is our personal favourite one! Others we have gotten from various Garden Centers and Online shops. I recommend checking out the deals on the Gardener's World Magazine Website as we have gotten things through them for a good price!
Our Gallium has never let us down~ Our favourite carpet plant~