Felicia amelloides 'Wigetablue' syn. Felicia amelloides 'Felicitara Blue'
Blue Marguerite 'Felicitara Blue'
Late Spring 2022
- 1
Late Spring 2021
- 4
Early Spring 2020
- 4
Early Spring 2020
- 1
Mid Winter 2020
- 6
Late Spring 2019
- 1
Mid Spring 2019
- 3
Late Spring 2018
- 3
Late Spring 2018
- 3
Late Summer 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2017
- 3
Mid Spring 2017
- 8
Late Winter 2017
- 3
Early Summer 2016
- 10

Felicia amelloides 'Wigetablue' syn. Felicia amelloides 'Felicitara Blue'
Late Spring 2022
Late Spring 2021

Gorgeous #blue

Love these little daisies 💙

They are Lovely Julie. The bush looks great when it’s covered in them. @juliesgarden 💜💙💜💙

I had one at my old house , i must get another 💙
Early Spring 2020

Bushy habit #blue

Love this plant 💙💙

Thank Julie. It is stunning when it's completely covered in flowers @juliesgarden 💙💛💙

I agree .. love mine 💙💙
Early Spring 2020

#blue #yellow love this plant. Didn't do too well last year. Still looks a tad leggy
Mid Winter 2020

A bit early for this to start flowering 🤔

Mine has started too. I'm agree with you, a bit early

Mines not stopped all winter Pearl 💙

@queruqui @juliesgarden I have had lots still in bloom through the winter especially pot marigold and geraniums 😘

Bonkers weather isn’t it Pearl 🤪😂

And mine didn’t do anything all summer and only started flowering last month girls! 🤪🙈 @juliesgarden
Late Spring 2019

I chopped this down last year and it survived. Phew 😅
Mid Spring 2019

Such pretty blue flowers on this one 💙

One of my favourites pearl 💙💙

It's going a bit woody so will cut it back hard in the autumn 🤔 @juliesgarden. I hope I don't lose it 😩
Late Spring 2018
Late Spring 2018

Yay ! It has started flowering after it's haircut. Morning all a bit dull here at the moment. Hope the sun shines where you are ☀️☀️☀️

Morning Pearl, same here ☹️Enjoy your day

💜💛 sun just peeping out here🌞
Late Summer 2017

This little plant is covered in these fab flowers 💜
Mid Spring 2017

Close up of pretty blue flowers 💙💙

Very pretty 💜

Gorgeous Pearl 💜💜💜
Mid Spring 2017

Only put this in last year , it's an amazing plant 👍👍

Wow! Its mahoosive Pearl! I think maybe I should put mine in the ground 🤔 it's in a pot and although it's flowering it doesn't look very healthy 😏

Wow , that's fab 💜

Love it

Yes Rachel @rachelbrooks I can't believe how big it has got. Only a little plant from Hockley Gardening Centre. Now it's enormous. Had to move an alum root cos it was covered by this. 😂😂😂

Thanks @djkennyboy Lin @linfoster Julie @juliesgarden 👍👍👍

I'm sure that's where I got mine too! Definitely going to plant it out - yours is fab! 👌🏼👏🏼

Obviously likes the Essex clay soil lol @rachelbrooks 👍
Late Winter 2017

Put this in last year and it has made a lovely mound. It has had flowers on it throughout the winter. Can't wait to see it in full bloom 👏👏👏👏👏

Lovely 💜 I have one in a pot - it's had a few flowers too 👍🏼💜

#longflowering #daisy #felicia
Early Summer 2016

Such a stunning blue I couldn't resist lol

Very pretty, 🌸😃

Oh I have these... They're lovely 👍

I have them too, and your right it is a stunning blue 💙

The picture doesn't really do it justice. Maybe I'll try a different angle lol 🤔🤔🤔

@justin @bevkb I was instantly drawn to it in the garden centre and so was my hubby so it was a definite buy 😂😂😂😂

It's gorgeous

Well you just had too it's lovely 💙💙😂

I want one unusual colour really lovely

Perfect for rainbow week 🌈- it's #blueflowers day!
Such a beautiful colour 💙💙