Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Crowborough'
Arum Lily 'Crowborough'
- Late Spring 2022
- 12
- 4
- Late Spring 2021
- 9
- 1
- Late Spring 2021
- 9
- 3
- Late Spring 2021
- 11
- 1
- Mid Spring 2021
- 12
- 1
- Early Summer 2020
- 15
- 1
- Mid Spring 2020
- 16
- 2
- Mid Spring 2020
- 16
- 1
- Mid Spring 2020
- 19
- 3
- Late Winter 2020
- 18
- 4
Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Crowborough'
- Late Spring 2022
- 12
- Late Spring 2021
- 9
One of 4 all are doing well #white . I have just realised how much white I have in my garden lol 😂
- Late Spring 2021
- 9
Seems to love this area #white
Lovely! They look quite exotic dont they?
Thanks Rich. I put this in last year as a very small plant and it’s taken off. I have 3 more in pots but would like to put one or two in the front garden. Sadly the garden needs some attention. Tidying, weeding and filling a large hole where we had a water leak lol. 😂😂 @richard.spicer.7906
- Late Spring 2021
- 11
Beautiful #white flowers
- Mid Spring 2021
- 12
Slowly unfurling 💚
- Early Summer 2020
- 15
Still sending up flowers #white 😁
- Mid Spring 2020
- 16
- Mid Spring 2020
- 16
The throat of the Arum 👌
- Mid Spring 2020
- 19
Planted this in garden as it wasn't flowering in its pot. Seems I did the right thing 😍
Blimey, mine has only leaves just emerged from the ground.
Joan I planted these in the ground from a pot in Autumn. The leaves never disappeared. This is the first flower and there are others. It hadn't flowered for 2 years in it's pot. 😁. @joannie.a
- Late Winter 2020
- 18
Moved this from a pot in Autumn. It was only look at it ! Hope it flowers 🤞🤞🤞
They get massive Pearl , I’m forever pulling them out these days 💚
I have still got some in pots but they haven't flowered for ages. I may put them in my front garden as we are getting older and these will cover the ground. Then we wont have to do much lol 😂😂 @juliesgarden
Oh they’ll do that 😂😂
It’s getting bigger and loves this spot #white
Lovely 🥰 mine isn't out yet 🤞 can I ask when you cut it back
I don’t. I just remove the spent flowers and leave it to its own devices @Diane051285 x
Thanks @fuschia