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Profile Image Gaby Stocking


Mum of 2 young kids. Bought our house in 2013 with a massively overgrown garden. I love gardening and making over our garden is a challenge

Zantedeschia 'Starry Night'

  • Season Icon Early SummerEarly Summer 2017
  • Like Count 15

Couldn't resist this in the shop today. Label says I have to lift for winter. Do I need to do this or can I just put pot away for winter to protect from frost? Not had a calla lily before


@gabys This is one of the more tender varieties. It won't survive winter wet and cold. You could move the pot into somewhere frost free for winter but it would probably be best somewhere warmer eg a conservatory or repot it and treat it as a houseplant over winter.


I have 2 CALLA LILIES Gaby which I managed to overwinter successfully. I lifted the rhizomes before the frost last year and let the foliage die back then took dead leaves etc off and excess soil. Wrapped them in newspaper and stored them in a cardboard box in the eves of the garage. Planted them up in fresh compost middle Feb and they are growing well. I have thought about leaving them both in their pots this year and keeping the pot in the greenhouse under the shelf and see what happens
