Dryopteris Erythrosora
Late Spring 2016
Mid Spring 2016

This fern blew me away last year from the bedraggled mess I bought from the GC, (reduced of course) to more or less what it is now. Super mild winter has hardly touched it.

Lovely foliage

Really brightens up a shady corner


Mine is really struggling 😕Yours Is lovely 😍

@slj how old is yours? Mine took a good 9 months to get to this stage. They like a moist soil with a good dollop of leaf mould around the crown. It gets mostly diffused light, never direct

I've had it a year and is now in a pot and coming back I think I dug it up just in time we have new growth starting to show I think maybe my soil was just to heavy

Love the new bronze coloured foliage, then it all turns lime green! :)
Gorgeous texture & colour :)
Just love the colour of this fern.
That's a hairy one! Lol! Looks like an alien! Great photo!
Thanks @clickchick @sara2309 @SylviaDavies! The new fronds will be bronze in colour, in contrast to the mature leaves which are lime green.
Great pic
I love an unfurling frond #justsaying
I would get an updated photo but it's been raining for 5 days :/ never mind
@gardengimp... Better for waiting no doubt
#fern #frond