Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade'
Late Spring 2019
Early Summer 2016

A new addition. I blame @lovemygarden65 ;)

Lovely, don't worry my shoulders are broad enough to take the blame 😂 another convert me thinks @gardengimp Stays quite compact, good plant 💛👍

So vibrant 😎😍

@gardengimp easily led? 😉.. It is gorgeous though

Stunning colour 😍

I couldn't say no, I'm #crackersforchartreuse. A bit gutted if found a dirty great big vine weevil sat on it when I got home, but I checked the rootball for lavae. I'm glad it's compact @lovemygarden65, everything has to be here. Even I'm fairly compact, lol :)

@gardengimp 😂😂😂😂😂hope that nasty vine Weevil hasn't laid eggs, hate the wee beggers 😡

I hope not @lovemygarden65, I'll keep an eye on it. I could re-root the top half if it does all go wrong.

Or give it a soak with vine weevil killer @gardengimp hopefully you got it before it laid eggs 👍

Yes I'll have a look for some and give it a soak just to be sure @lovemygarden65 thanks for your help :) :) :)

#lime #chartreuse #vineweevil #heuchera
Heuchera back from the dead and so far weevil free #shadeplants
This loves the shade and so easy to get babies from so you can put more in next year too one of my favs for shade 💛💚💛💚
You're right @keely I've always had it in either too much sun in my old garden, or it got swamped by other plants. It's good to see it showing its full potential 😃