@DanCooney I've had no luck with my lime sorbet aquilegias either.May just try sowing them direct and moving any that grow where I don't want them (if they decide to grow @ all). @GardeningNicW86 Chocolate soldier's are so beautiful, hope u succeed!
@kittenypaws ah well they didn't make it :( my naughty cat knocked them off from where they were doing well! I tried my best to save them but it wasn't meant to be :(
Little Chocolate Soldier seedlings growing well !!
Love these. Many haven't showed 😭
@DanCooney aww no! I hope mine do ok!! Fingers crossed x
@DanCooney I've had no luck with my lime sorbet aquilegias either.May just try sowing them direct and moving any that grow where I don't want them (if they decide to grow @ all). @GardeningNicW86 Chocolate soldier's are so beautiful, hope u succeed!
Ive seen these around and love the colour so much ...i think they will look good with my other aquilegias ...i hope yours are growing strong 😊
@kittenypaws ah well they didn't make it :( my naughty cat knocked them off from where they were doing well! I tried my best to save them but it wasn't meant to be :(
Bless ya well there is always next year 😊