Early Summer 2019
Early Winter 2018

#floralfriday #flowerfriday #gardenia #bestofseptember Gardenia Tubifera Popularly Known as Golden Gardenia, the White - Yellow - Sandal Coloured Flowered is quiet a charmer once it starts Blooming. The Fragrance is slightly milder than the White One although quiet different though. Never expected flower to change colour as it matures. Was Pleasantly Surprised to see it open as White and then Transform slowly into Golden Bliss spreading everywhere. Happy Friday GT'ers 😙😚😍🤗😋😊

Never seen this before! Woweee! Love it!💘😍

The yellow is so lovely 💛💛💛

Thanks Shelley & Kerry @ShelleySnyder @kez001uk. It is unique in many ways, the flower attaches to the plant on a 3 inch long stick type structure and quiet distinct from other flowers 😊

Very welcome! I've certainly never seen it before , thanks for sharing!💘😍
#mondaymotivation #gardenia #goldengardenia As the Moon shimmers its most powerful glory, the emergence of dawn is broken by Summer Birds migrating from their far far away lands. Transcending a halo of Gold Fragrance all around, you are taken into a heaven of Garden pleasure. Soft Charming Looks with a glitter of Gold, Gardenia awakens the senses to a refreshing Monday Morning. Good Morning GT'ers 😍😚😙🤗🙂
Wonderful colour 💛 gardenia have such a beautiful perfume 💛
Such a gorgeous bloom💛
Missed seeing your beautiful flowers, glad to see you back!
💛 #yellowflowers
Thanks Kerry, Kim, Val, Katie @kez001uk @kimguy @gjones @valjones-hughes @brightcolours
What a poetic write up @gauravsh6 I think I can almost catch the scent from here! A beautiful flower.
Thanks Jill @JustJill 😃