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Moved to Gloucestershire in 2016, so a new garden to get to know - some plants have gone and new ones planted. I love the app for logging my plants.
Today I made a start on eradicating my Japanese anemone. Not sure how successful it will be, but I had to try to halt the invasion!
I hope you’re successful as they can be quite thuggish, can’t they? 🤞
It was good to get these into the ground from their tub. Hopefully they’ll multiply a bit in due course.
I bought this one a few weeks ago - because I like it, and it reminds me of Mum (she used to have them in her garden).
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Today I made a start on eradicating my Japanese anemone. Not sure how successful it will be, but I had to try to halt the invasion!
I hope you’re successful as they can be quite thuggish, can’t they? 🤞