Okay, this Avonia is madness. I’ve had it a couple months, and can tell it’s settled in, BECAUSE IT’S MOVING. Constantly! Its longest ‘strand’ ticks and tocks back and forth like a little clock twice a day. I had no idea they do that. Thought I was crazy and didn’t remember shifting the pot until I started taking pics. Pretty sure it’s sentient and plotting world domination. 😳 #avonia #succulent #Im-being-watched
@ShelleySnyder @philstalder Right?! Shelley, aliens totally came to mind. I’m eying it through the sliding glass door and it’s switched sides again, sort of curled protectively into the pot. Wondering if I’ll be beamed up if I hum the ‘close encounters’ theme.
Okay, this Avonia is madness. I’ve had it a couple months, and can tell it’s settled in, BECAUSE IT’S MOVING. Constantly! Its longest ‘strand’ ticks and tocks back and forth like a little clock twice a day. I had no idea they do that. Thought I was crazy and didn’t remember shifting the pot until I started taking pics. Pretty sure it’s sentient and plotting world domination. 😳 #avonia #succulent #Im-being-watched
How very strange!🛸👽💘😍
Wow that’s so weird and cool. 😍
@ShelleySnyder @philstalder Right?! Shelley, aliens totally came to mind. I’m eying it through the sliding glass door and it’s switched sides again, sort of curled protectively into the pot. Wondering if I’ll be beamed up if I hum the ‘close encounters’ theme.
You have been assimilated, resistance is futile, the plants are in charge now...
@thehardygardener I welcome my new plant overlords.
I had this once, but now I wished I paid more attention. 😂🌞