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Profile Image Adrienne S


Finally getting around to organizing my collection, and loving the opportunity to drool over everyone else’s. Total amateur in love with plants.

Dudleya brittonii

  • Season Icon Early AutumnEarly Autumn 2020
  • Like Count 21

This guy is so funky. I was careless this spring when I hosed down the deck and didn’t notice him getting soaked in the corner...all farina washed off! I crossed my fingers and waited to see what’d happen and lo and behold...entered his growing season and healthy true leaves are coming out. Looks like I smooshed an entirely different plant under the original rosette. #dudleya #dudleya-brittonii


Same plant, it’s nuts. I’m sort of figuring some Dudleyas might have a first rosette of leaves that don’t match their mature form, like the first leaves from stuff you grow from seeds? I should research that. I actually have a second, larger D. brittonii and it doesn’t seem to have gone through the same process. 🤷🏻‍♀️ The mysteries of botany. @gjones

  • Season Icon Early AutumnEarly Autumn 2020
  • Like Count 12

Here from the side...looks like a squid or nautilus checking things out with its tentacles. #dudleya #dudleya-brittonii
