xGraptoveria Douglas Huth
Graptoveria 'Douglas Huth'
Mid Spring 2019
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 2
Early Autumn 2017
- 9
Early Autumn 2017
- 5

xGraptoveria Douglas Huth
Mid Spring 2019
Early Autumn 2017

🕸🕷 He's protecting my plants! #spider #succulent

Early Autumn 2017

Unidentified succulent was accidentally rained on but it looked so pretty 🌧🌼


It’s so hard to tell when they’re stretched out. It could be a perle von Nurnberg, but it could be a different echeveria

My best guess would be a PVN that needs more sunlight to bring out its colours.

@squirrellywolf @Soph1e I don't think it is a perle because I've had it for about a month and the new leaves it has formed are the ones that look lavender around the edges. It's been in the sun since I've acclimated it to full light and the new leaves still have that oblong shape. My other Perle that I own was also badly etiolated when I got it and the leaves bounced back to the roundish shape sooner. So if it was a Perle wouldn't the center leaves be round by now? I'm not sure 😖

It may be a graptoveria Douglas Huth aka Huths Pink?

Kat I've just taken a pic of one of my Graptoveria Douglas Huth greener one os in more shade and the pink one in a pot full is in more sun .I'll tag you ! See what you think ?

@Muzz67 They do look similar! We will have to see when my plant becomes more sun-stressed if the colors will come out more. I haven't had it in full direct sun because of the baby prop in the bottom, so it might take a while.

Early Autumn 2017

Help me identify this plant. R/succulents didn't help me ID this plant at all maybe this wonderful community can help me out. She is really tall and I can't tell if it is because she became horribly etiolated in walmart or if she's supposed to look like that. She has a pup at the base that is compact. #plantid #succulentid #succulent

Do you have a photo from the top?

@squirrellywolf yes, I'll post it in a second

She shouldn't be that tall but at least her pup looks good! You could take the top of the plant off, let it callus over and then plant it. The bottom half should produce pups on the stem where the old leaves were. Pretty sure she's either a Perle von Nürnberg or a Duchesse of Nuremburg

Graptoveria Douglas Huth possibly 😆
Died over the winter