Not really sure which one this is, maybe bronze glow?? But I started with a little 4-6” rosette of this in early spring. Love when the first place I plant something, turns out to be the right place.
Thanks @ShelleySnyder another gift from my sweet @bpetty55 she’s like a drug pusher... “here’s a sample for free” then I’m hooked. I blame her for my plant addiction, but I also credit her for changing my life. I don’t know what the hell I was doing before I started gardening, because it’s all I do now. Since I quit working, it’s something I can do for a sense of accomplishment. When my family is unappreciative, my plants appreciate everything I do, and they thank me with Beautiful fruits. 😍
Welcome Haley! Isn't gardening just fabulous!! And now you have lots of drug pushers on here to help with your addiction!!😂😂 It can be so hard to relate with someone who could care less about gardening, they go glassy eyed when you try to talk about it!😂 Thank God for people like @bpetty55 and this app!😁 Keep on gardening my friend!!💘😍
Haha @ShelleySnyder yea u guys aren’t much better influences lol. I know exactly what you mean. I think people ask me to be nice, and I’m terrible about editing my answers. I usually lose them half way through.
#ajuga blooms everywhere
The deep blue color by the dark green is beautiful.