Ilex crenata 'Dark Green'
Japanese Holly
- Early Autumn 2018
- 17
- 1
- Early Summer 2018
- 11
- 7
- Late Spring 2018
- 17
- 0
Ilex crenata 'Dark Green'
- Early Autumn 2018
- 17
- Early Summer 2018
- 11
Look at what the sun is doing to these 😭 2 like this.
I know some people are loving it; but for me, it’s too hot now and not the slightest sign of rain for weeks
Thanks @cyndi; I’ll carry on with the deep watering; I applied liquid fertiliser, and if I get time I’ll pop out and get some mulch which may assist in keeping the roots from completely drying out
Hope you can get it to recover Helen
Thanks Rich; I’m gonna give it a try :) @richard.spicer.7906
Indeed looks like it has been roasted. Little you can do other than what you have been advised. Careful not to over feed. Stick with it & hopefully it will pull through. A water on application of michorhizal fungi might also help, Rootgrow for example.
Thanks @clockhousenursery , I’ll keep on it 🤞
- Late Spring 2018
- 17
Really pleased with this; middle pic = earlier in the year, 4x ilex taken down by the heatwave, leaves shrivelled and fell off. Fertilised, mulched, root fed and watered diligently as others advised, and they are all coming back to life 😄 #planthospital #foliagefriday