Maranta leuconeura 'Kerchoveana'
Early Spring 2017
Mid Winter 2017

No idea what this is, but the store didn't have begonias, so I got this instead. I love these leaves!!! It's a tropical plant of some sort, that's all I can tell you. I can't seem to leave a plant store empty handed. 😊

@gjones right now it's not so much of an issue as I'm preparing a special flower room! Hopefully that will be ready by the end of the month (need to finish my renovations in the basement before I can start in the flower room). I'm hoping to get some UV lamps installed! Gonna go all out here! I'll be sure to post pictures of my progress! And thanks for the heads up, that guy is going next to the bromeliad in the shade. 😊

@gjones This is why I love this place, someone will always set you on the right path without me even asking! Thanks so much for the heads up!

Maranta leuconeura

@gjones would you happen to know how to add plants to the tasks section? I've been trying, but I'm a dumb and can't seem to figure it out. 😔

@gjones thanks so much!
Mr Squiggles has flowers! I didn't even know prayer plants had flowers! Look at them, being all tiny and flowery. 😁