Aeonium Voodoo
Aeonium 'Voodoo'
Mid Winter 2021
- 3
Late Summer 2020
- 6
Late Summer 2020
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Early Spring 2019
- 7
Late Autumn 2018
- 1
Mid Autumn 2018
- 11
Late Spring 2018
- 5
Mid Spring 2018
- 2
Late Winter 2018
- 1
Late Winter 2018
- 2
Early Winter 2017
- 4
Late Autumn 2017
- 1

Aeonium Voodoo
Mid Winter 2021
Late Summer 2020

Just to give some perspective of the size of this beauty! Put it in the greenhouse to protect it from the wind as I couldn’t bear the thought of it getting blown over and broken. Back out in the garden this weekend 😁 and to think this was a teeny tiny baby when I bought it. Just a small cutting

Incredible!tall as a tree!💘😍

Wow! Amazingly tall 💜💜

How long have you had it, Hayley? I bought a small one a few weeks ago so maybe mine will be as big as yours one day! 🤞😂😘

It’s just under 4 years Barbara 😁 @jacaranda

Wow, that’s spectacular growth in four years! I have high hopes for mine now 😂😘
Late Summer 2020

My mahoosive Plant! 😁 #succulentsunday
Mid Autumn 2019

Changing colour for winter #succulentsunday 💚
Early Spring 2019

Absolutely massive! 😍😍😍

Really cool!

WOWZERS!! I'm in love!💘😍

It’s an absolute beauty! Overwintering in the greenhouse and is one happy plant! 😁 @sventress @ShelleySnyder

I'd say so!!🤗💘😍

Impressive 👍🏻

Late Autumn 2018

Fading to #green for the winter 😍 #succulentsunday
Mid Autumn 2018

My hand is for scale! It's huge!!! 😁😂 #succulent Sunday

😂😂😂 @scaryskates

It's a puppet!! 😂😂 @scaryskates

Wow Hayley!! It's fabulous! Must be happy!💘😍

My goodness! Large and in charge!!!🌵


That's definitely a big one. What's gone on with the aeoniums this year? Mine are huge too 😁

Mine have loved the weather Ang 😁 @angiecrazycatlady

Love these. Mine have done well this year too

I'm sinking mine in the bed next year in big pots as they are tall enough etc to have their place 😁 @vec
Late Spring 2018


Wow that's a stunner!

It's huge Sylvia! 😁 @SylviaDavies

Super!! #bestofjune

Ooh that’s luscious! 🖤💚🖤
Mid Spring 2018

Huge! 😁 #succulentsunday

Late Winter 2018

Ignore the water marks, as I've been fighting mealy bugs on this one! But I've won! She is such a beauty! Attacked them with a sprayer with washing up liquid, bi carb of soda and water. Sprayed every day and I've got rid of them. She just needs a wash to make her leaves shine 😁 #succulentsunday #tip #advise
Early Winter 2017

Had the share the amazing transformations of my #voodoo ! Pic on right taken when I brought into the greenhouse end of summer, left pic today! Grown so tall and colour changes due to season. 🎄😍#succulentsunday

Aeoniums grow in the winter don't they. Although they often loose their colour without sun but yours looks like it's been sunbathing 😆

They have Angie! They've shot up in the greenhouse! As we've not had many sunny days they've gone very green but as soon as we get a couple of days with sun they change again! Love them! 😍 @angiecrazycatlady

Mine are just the same.
Late Autumn 2017

Growing so well and enjoying the sunshine ☀️😍
#deathbloom on my huge beauty! Once flowered, the main stem will wither and die. I’ll cut the flower off once bloomed and hope the stem produces some babies before dying. On a positive, it has 2 other big rosettes lower down. So a good opp to reduce its size as I was panicking about where to store next Winter as it’s already 5ft! 😄 #succulentsunday
I've read tho, that they don't always die immediately after flowering, some take a good while
This one you can tell by how it’s grown over the last few months. The main is giving itself up to the flower 🥲 @lesliecole49