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Always loved to potter in the garden but only really in the last couple of years, have I embraced it by redesigning our space and growing from seed
Just waiting for the smaller cousins to open 🤍🤍🤍 ☂️
I saw one like this today and it was pricey! £14.99 I didn't want one, it was pretty but, no way would I pay that. Yours is lovely 🌼🌼🌼
I grew mine from seeds 7 years ago! 😁 @midnightgardener
These are so gorgeous!💘😍
Absolutely love these 😍Hayley @hayleyaj
They really are just stunning!
Whoop! These lovelies arrived today! #bargain 3 plants for £5.97 foc postage from #secretgardeningclub 😍😍😃👍
Most Bargainous! 🤗
Have you looked at that website Susan? 🤔 @susanhumphreys
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Just waiting for the smaller cousins to open 🤍🤍🤍 ☂️
I saw one like this today and it was pricey! £14.99 I didn't want one, it was pretty but, no way would I pay that. Yours is lovely 🌼🌼🌼
I grew mine from seeds 7 years ago! 😁 @midnightgardener