Aster 'Pompom Mixed'
Aster 'Pom Pom Mixed'
Mid Summer 2020
- 3
Mid Summer 2020
- 5
Mid Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Summer 2017
- 12
Mid Summer 2017
- 13
Mid Summer 2017
- 16
Mid Summer 2017
- 6
Early Summer 2017
- 5
Early Summer 2017
- 7
Early Summer 2017
- 1
Mid Summer 2016
- 9

Aster 'Pompom Mixed'
Mid Summer 2020
Mid Summer 2020

An old wicker paper rack full of pretties 💜💓 #upcycle #repurpose #seedgrown

Great idea and it looks fab 💕💕💜💜

They look lovely in there! 💗💗💗

Great idea, does it dry out pretty quick tho?

No Leslie as it’s lined 😀 @lesliecole49
Mid Summer 2018

First #seedgrown blooms appearing! Can't wait! Fab cut flowers 💜💜

Mid Summer 2017

Sorry!! More #asters one pot 3 different plants showing off their different coloured blooms 💜💕 @lexijane @ukjohnny @Keely

Fabulous 💜💕💜💕💜

Pom Pom Johnny. Saved seed from 2 years ago, these are better than the originals 😄 @ukjohnny

Thanks Johnny, I'm chuffed with them this year too. If I can dig out some seeds I'll happily send you some 😄 @ukjohnny

Just beautiful I will do more next year and less African daisies as they haven't flowered as well this year but weather hasn't helped them 💕💜💕💜😍

It's trial and error isn't it Keely, as Carol Klein says, right plant, right place. You know when you found both 😄 @Keely

I'll have a look tomorrow but will also save some seeds from these ladies too. 😄 @ukjohnny

It is hun forever learning 😁

These a gorgeous 😍


Lovely 💚💚💚

These are beautiful x
Mid Summer 2017

My #seedgrown beauties are amazing this year, the best ever. The flowers last for weeks! 💕💕

💕💕💕 mine too 😍

Gorgeous aren't they Keely!? I have. White one, that I have put a pic on before, that has the same flower from 3 weeks ago and no sign of it fading!! 😍😍 @Keely

That's so nice. Another thing you've tempted me with 😏😂

The plants are full of blooms like this in different shades of pink, purple and white Lexi. So easy to grow from seed and still so many buds on all plants to open. I grow some every year but this years have been outstanding 😄😄 @lexijane

In so many ways John but easier to grow from seed and last longer too 😄 @ukjohnny

I'll have to give them a go 👌🏼💗

It's gorgeous Hayley! 🌸💗

Beautiful colour Hayley 💕💕💕

def a must have 💞💞💞

That's a very pretty one Hayley 😍

Gorgeous 💕💕👌
Mid Summer 2017

Ooohhhh!!! 💕💕💕💕😍

Gorgeous Hayley 😍💕😍💕

Ooo I love that 😍

Beautiful 💕💕💕

Lovely colour 😍

Fabulous 💖

Sooo pretty

@hayleyaj ooooooh!!!!💘💘💘💘

Wow love it 💕💗💕

Beautiful 💕

Oh wow love it 💕💕💕

I knew you would Keely! As like me, you can't ever get enough Pink!! 💕🤣 @keely
Mid Summer 2017

A little posy cut from the garden #seedgrown 💜💕

@hayleyaj gorgeous aster's!!!💘😍

Pretty 💕💜

Gorgeous 😍


Gorgeous 😍
Early Summer 2017

And here a #pink one not quite fully opened yet 💕💕 @ukjohnny @Keely @pelly

Another beautiful colour, I need these in my life Hayley 💖💞💓

Awe gawjus 💞💕💞💕

A beauty 💕

Wow 💕💗💕💗
Early Summer 2017

Almost in full bloom 💜💜💜

Me too Johnny and they make fab cut flowers as last for ages 😄 @ukjohnny

💜💜💜 mine are opening up too a but behind yours though. Really pretty 💜💜💜

They are my favourites and this year better than ever as really strong seed grown plants. So many colours around the garden but get they'll bloom while I'm on hols next week!! 😂😂😍😍 @Keely

That's really lovely Hayley, one for my wishlist 💜💜💜

So easy to grow from seed Jane 😄 @pelly

I will certainly look at that Hayley, thank you 💖💜💖
Early Summer 2017

Oooh nearly! Lots in pots etc around the garden nearly blooming! #seedgrown 💜💜
Mid Summer 2016

#technicolourtuesday #home-grown 💕💜

They are one of my favourite flowers and such beautiful colours Hayley😍

Ann, So easy to grow from seed too. I'm growing next year purely for cut flowers 😍😍 @thomasrat3

I grew some from seed last year but they were very leggy and small flowers - what did I do wrong Hayley🤔

Well, your seedlings sound like they needed pinching out and then as they became more mature plants before flowering to encourage a bushier growth. Plenty of even light, I move mine around as they are growing to ensure they aren't starved of light. Give it another go, post pics of the the seedlings etc and we'll get there together! 👍😍 @thomasrat3

Beautiful 😍

Thanks Hayley, I'll do that thanks😃

Wow! 💗💜💗

Stunning colours 😊
A horrible plastic pot, spray painted by the hubbie. One of many and filled with lovely blooms 💜🤍💓 #repurpose #seedgrown
Very pretty indeed 💕💕💜💜