Euphorbia pulcherrima 'J'Adore Pink' (J'Adore Series)
Poinsettia 'J'Adore Pink'
Late Winter 2019
- 6
Mid Autumn 2018
- 6
Late Summer 2018
- 9
Mid Summer 2018
- 12
Early Winter 2017
- 4
Mid Autumn 2017
- 7
Mid Autumn 2017
- 1

Euphorbia pulcherrima 'J'Adore Pink' (J'Adore Series)
Late Winter 2019
Mid Autumn 2018

Can you see it?! My first #pink #bracts forming! Saved from last year. Covered and in darkness for 12 hours a day 😁😁

👀👀👓😂😂 @scaryskates

I see it!!👏👏👏💘😍

Yours is doing great!!!! I planted one but something doesn’t seem right I think it should have better looking foliage. Any tips??😊💕

They need complete darkness for 12hours a day to encourage the bracts to form Terri 😊 @terrimclaughlin

Thxs for that tip on total darkness I better get started. Yours is on its way. Great job!!😊💕
Late Summer 2018

So my beautiful plant has almost tripled in size since I managed to save it from last Winter. My challenge now is to get it to change to Pink. 14 hours of total darkness each 24hours, with light and care in between. So I'm going to make a frame that I can cover it with in the greenhouse so it gets its 14 hours. It takes about 4 weeks for the leaves to turn into flower bracts, so let's give it a try! 💕😁#tip #advice #overwinter #greenhouse #wheretheresawilltheresaway

@hayleyaj Interesting, good luck 😉💖

Great, keep us posted!

Good luck!!!

Your so inspiring hayls I admire your knowledge and determination to take on such a challenge and I have no doubt you will be successful 😘💗 good luck 👍

Oh bless you Keely ☺️ I'm challenge driven so as this is a new one for me, I'm really keen to succeed. But if I don't, I can say I tried ☺️ @Keely xx

Wow! That looks great and good luck one the pink! 💕

Good luck hinny I'm sure you'll succeed,it's a whopper 😍 I could barely keep mine alive for a week lol 😘👍

Fingers crossed Jane! I'll give it my best shot x @daisy-jane
Mid Summer 2018

You might remember my #pink #poinsettia from Christmas last year. Well I decided to save it as I loved it. Cut it right back in January and popped in in spare bedroom until April, when I then put it in the greenhouse. Feed and water and I think she's going to be beauty this year too 💕💕

Wow I can't even keep one for 2 weeks!! 😂 😂

😂😂 normally nor can I! But getting the hang of this Gardening malarkey I think! 😂😂 @carolgs

Well done! I think the tricky bit will be getting it pink again

I know Joan! It'll have to go in darkness for a while 😊 @joanboston

Oh wow I can't keep them over Christmas lol 😂 well done 👍

Wowzers mine lost all its leaves in the first 5 days apparently I’m banned from having them now 🤷♀️🤷♀️

Oh wow interesting..

They don't like drafts and little and often water Nessa 😊 @nessas

I’m impressed!!

Noooo HTGHG mine just don’t like me I’m so rubbish at house plants I look at them in the shops and they quake with fear thinking I might pick them 😂😂😂

Looking good Hayley! Mine is in its third year now, and I’ve just repotted it again. I was a bit late trimming it back but hopefully will be fine. Trick will be to get he light/dark right later in the year
Early Winter 2017

#poinsettia #pink 💕💕💕💕

Oh pink! Look @juliesgarden !


That is a gorgeous poinsettia😍 @hayleyaj
Mid Autumn 2017

Gorgeous double blooms on this pretty lady! 💕💕💕


So pretty Hayley, if only I didn’t kill them 😱😬😅

Wow!! That's gorgeous!!💘😍

Beautiful 😍


Lovely photo 📷👏👏👏👏👏
Mid Autumn 2017

Yay!!! Got one from #wyevalegardencentre 💕💕💕so happy, she's gorgeous and £6!! Store said they are flying off the shelves!
Well! I haven’t lost a single leaf off this one yet! Maybe I’ve finally found how to look after them! 😁😂
Looking good. That's the flower Mr F threw away thinking it was dead. But it definitely had new shoots. I will never know if I could have kept it alive ☹☹☹
Oh never mind. Maybe try again this year 😁
Do they thrive on neglect.....🤔😉
I water once a week. But the key is temperature Elaine. Mine is on kitchen table so an ambient temperature, no draughts etc. Tired one in the lounge, too warm. Windowsill too cool. 😁 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
That’s definitely the answer then...👍🏼