Early Summer 2021
Early Summer 2018

Blooming lovely! 😍

Simply gorgeous!!💘😍

A little gem to come home to today 😁 @ShelleySnyder

What a lovely welcome home present 💛❤️ I’m hoping that my welcome home present isn’t a garden that’s shrivelled up and died in the gnomes hands 😬😬

Gawjus I've done these for hot border bit behind yours as always but hope they looks as good💛💘

Mines been in since last year Keely, a rescue plant from #mozzersclub 😁 @Keely

No he'll have looked after it for you, or he knows he'll have no gnome to go to! 😂😂x @nessas

Oh my goodness!! I love this one 😊😊❤❤I've got the African Sunset which I wated more of but couldn't find any today. But wow this one is beautiful. Which one is it? Red Devil by any chance?😊

If you have one, take cuttings! Mine is called #burgunda 😁 @midnightgardener

😆😆 HTGHG spat me beer 🍺 out 🤣🤣 going to make it as simple as possible for him and the bonus for him is he can sit in the conservatory watch football while the sprinkler is doing the job for him 🙄 x

Pretty darn nice..❤️💛❤️

@hayleyaj Yes and I've got some rooting gel I'll give it a go 😊😊
These are so pretty😍