Aglaonema 'Pink Dalmatian ; syn. Aglaonema commutatum 'Pink Dalmatian'
Chinese Evergreen 'Pink Dalmatian'
Late Autumn 2019
- 6
Mid Summer 2019
- 1

Aglaonema 'Pink Dalmatian ; syn. Aglaonema commutatum 'Pink Dalmatian'
Late Autumn 2019
Mid Summer 2019

#aglaonema #aglaonema-pinkdalmatian I think these are so pretty and different when u need a pop of color amidst all the green
Idk what's going on with this plant I hear they are so easy but ever since I got this it had had problems right away. Finally it was so bad it had like no roots and just came out of the dirt when tugged so I rooted some pieces in water now planted them andthey still look like crap ? #plantquestion #planthelp #pinkdalmatian #chineseevergreen-pinkdalmatian
My thought is possibly over watered since the roots came off. ( I've grown this plant But in the ground ).
Lucky u to grow it in the ground. Whats weird is I never felt like I watered it too much u know I didnt have it long enough really for the decline maybe it had problems before I got it and I just made them worse. I hope these pieces can be salvaged but they always look droopy and terrible. Leaves get yellow and lifeless quickly
You know what ?! I think I goofed up. At a glance I thought this was the Pink Polka Dot Plant. UGH. Sorry . 🤐☹️
I want to get one
Me too. Mine is pretty much dead beyond revival. Looks awful lol. @docthrill