Beaucarnea recurvata
Mid Spring 2020
Mid Spring 2020

My #ponytailpalm that my daughter bought me is looking so nice and going strong over a year maybe 2. I just love it and love his pot. Hes filled his crazy hairdo out quite a bit over the winter since i put him near a bright light
Love this view #ponytailpalm #elephantsfootpalm whats the difference? #plantquestion
The names. Those are both common names for the same plant, specifically Beaucarnea recurvata. This is why Latin names are important. 🧐💗 #beaucarnea-recurvata #beaucarnearecurvata
So they are the same plant? I felt like the pictures for ponytail palm looked.less like what I have so I was unsure. They should all be in one category then huh @lovestogarden
Yes. We can double check this with @Yollymac. Help please - see notes above.
@yogi2 u can scroll to see other pic