Begonia coccinea
Angel Wing Begonia
Mid Spring 2022
- 1
Early Spring 2021
- 1
Late Winter 2020
- 1
Early Winter 2020
- 4
Late Spring 2019
- 3

Begonia coccinea
Mid Spring 2022
Early Spring 2021

This plant is indestructible. I love it. It's gotten so so big and tall. Very easy care even when u don't water for a while its not dramatic. Wondering if it needs repotted or should i leave well enough alone? #begonia
Late Winter 2020

New leaf about to #unfurl on one of my #angelwingbegonia I'm glad because it currently only has one leaf with a couple others on the way and its almost 2 feet tall
Early Winter 2020

@laneygarden this is mine 😃

Ignore the pot in the back on the other pot its to raise it up...i was watering what usually sits in front of it and just sat this there for the picture

Definitely the same as mine! Looks great!

Honestly I used a stick from outside and just used a string to tie around it. Nothing special @cw2080
Late Spring 2019

This has grown in so beautiful! Such a long stalk lol #begonia #begoniaangelwing #angelwingbegonia

Are these perinnials?

@mr.olive I'm not sure hun. I will look it up
This perty leaf kept catching my eye amongst the green #angelwingbegonia #redback