Elephant Ear (Caladium)
Mid Spring 2021
- 6
Early Spring 2021
- 1
Late Winter 2021
- 2
Early Winter 2020
- 4
Late Autumn 2020
- 1
Mid Autumn 2020
- 6
Early Autumn 2020
- 3
Late Summer 2020
- 1
Late Spring 2020
- 1

Mid Spring 2021
Early Spring 2021

Omg I looked over and saw this!! Its #flowering #caladium #yayforspring
Late Winter 2021

#newbabyleaf #caladium #newleaf #white

I love the green veins pushing through the white😯
Early Winter 2020

This #caladium just keeps on going man. Im suprised its the only one that's made it to the winter they all died off. This one tho....amazing #newgrowth


Beautiful👍keep doing what you're doing, it likes it😊

It just sits under a regular bright ass light bulb lol next to my giant monstera @crabby58
Late Autumn 2020

#newleaf #white #caladium #stillgoingstrong so suprised because my other ones didnt make it
Mid Autumn 2020

Still growing strong and im suprised because my other caladiums are all kicking the bucket. #caladium

Are you keeping the bulbs from the dead ones? As long as they didn't die from rot, they will always come back(in my personal experience).

So I brought my caladiums inside still in the pots. And I am planning on putting them in the basement but were having sewage problems at the moment so right now they are in my living room by the back door where there isnt much light and a tiny draft from under the door. Not sure if any of that is correct but I havent watered in awhile and they are just in dry pots. Is that cool

I can't say for certain because I'm no expert. But I think they'll still come back in your circumstances. I have all my Caladium bulbs planted outside. The cold kills them every year, but they pop up in spring no matter what. I would say water them occasionally, just so they don't dry up completely(mine are exposed to rain during winter) and they should be fine. 👍

I can't remember where u live or what zone your in

I'm in Southern Alabama, USDA zones 8a & 8b.
Early Autumn 2020

Down to one leaf and a new one coming in but at least this one looks great and is perky #caladium

How many houseplants do u have it in your house

Thats why she got segregated away from the other elephant ears etc and closer to the door and windows. I was thinking the white needs more light @cyndi
Late Summer 2020

White on white #repot broke off 2 nice leaves and put in water hoping they root for a friend. Well see not sure if they can or not
Late Spring 2020

I'm starting to have a love affair with these #caladim
The flower opened.. #caladium #caladiumflower
I'll be darned! I didn't know they would flower
Congrats it is beautiful💚
I was pretty suprised too. @lesliecole49 I wasn't even expecting it to make it thru the winter inside let alone flower u know. White plants are usually hard to keep alive in the first place. Now I wish I would have tried to keep all my caladiums over the winter I had so many pretty ones in the summer but I only kept this one I think. Not sure what I did with the rest of them. My memory is horrible or maybe I have too many plants to keep track of? Lol
So it's potted and you brought it inside? Cool
Yes it was potted and outside all summer @lesliecole49 and for some reason I think due to space this is the only one i really tried to overwinter