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Profile Image Heather Milyak


Hey I'm heather I'm a total plant nerd and have a zest for any plant knowledge my tiny apartment is a plantastrophe I can't get enough.

Echeveria Harmsii

  • Season Icon Mid AutumnMid Autumn 2019
  • Like Count 18

#newplant very hard to tell the difference between #echeveriaharmsii and #echeveriapulvinata anyone have any tips to tell? They really do look the same #plantquestion #planthelp


The flowers. Some say there’s slight leaf differences, but light, water, nutrients, temperature, and every other variable, make it very unreliable to go by. Harmsii has red flowers with yellow only on the tips and inside, and Pulvinata has yellow/orange blended into each flower in various shades. The longer, more pointed leaf shape of yours, as well as thinner, finer fuzz coating, points to yours being Harmsii. 🐶
