Epipremnum aureum 'Marble Queen'
Epipremnum 'Marble Queen'
Late Summer 2019
- 1
Late Winter 2019
- 8

Epipremnum aureum 'Marble Queen'
Late Summer 2019
Late Winter 2019

Why would ONE leaf on my marble queen turn this yellow??? Help! #marblequeen #pothosmarblequeen #yellow #yellowleaves

@heatherdirtyhands i think because the leaf was old it looks old id take it off and keep an eye out make sure noone else turns yellow if it does make sure its not overwatered and make sure it gets plenty of indirect light

@cyndi @hannahchristine. I actually feel sometimes I under water my pothos to be safe. I have her in a south facing window and all her leaves are healthy but that one. The leaf was at the bottom too so that's good. No other problems to report. I was waiting a little closer to spring to start fertilizing ya know

@hannahchristine @cyndi. It just struck me as odd because one day it wasnt there and boom brighttttt Assss yellow almost neon

I wish I knew how to.post a pic to go with this post @cyndi @hannahchristine

@heatherdirtyhands you might hv to download a collage pic app and do it that way to post more then one pic alltogether i think maybe leaf was there and boom you finally saw it cuz i do that were all i see is green then next time i see plant bam a yellow leaf im like hey where did u come from pluck lol

@hannahchristine I know but I have like no space on my phone. I see people post multiple pics to their post just don't know how Ughhh!!

@heatherdirtyhands id maybe post pic of plant and caption it with this is plant where yellow leaf came from @cyndi what u think need help how do u post multple pics so u can scroll to left and see more of plant
#marblequeen #pothos growing well.all summer