Ficus pumila
- Late Summer 2020
- 7
- Late Winter 2020
- 25
Close up #dorty which has cream centers or #curly which had lime centers ? What do u think? #creepingfig #trailing #climbing #variegated
I just wanted to make sure if it was a dorty or curly first then ill add it @cyndi
This is beautiful!! 💚💚💚
Very pretty foliage!!
- Late Winter 2020
- 12
My 5th and final b day plant. My favorite one reminds me of stringof turtles a bit maybe thats why. I cant tell if its a creeping fig dorty which has cream centers or the curly version which has lime green centers I'm leaning towards #creepingfigdorty what do u think I'll post a close up #creepingfig
My #creepingfig. Has attached itself to a cement step and I feel so bad needing to remove it to bring it inside for winter. Needs to be done tho....