Hoya carnosa 'Krimson Queen' syn. 'Crimson Queen'
Hoya 'Krimson Queen'
Late Summer 2023
- 1
Mid Summer 2023
- 1
Mid Summer 2023
- 5
Mid Spring 2023
- 4
Late Winter 2023
- 2
Late Summer 2022
- 1
Late Summer 2022
- 2
Mid Spring 2022
- 1

Hoya carnosa 'Krimson Queen' syn. 'Crimson Queen'
Late Summer 2023
Mid Summer 2023

The new leaves come in so fuzzy. Btw this is the same plant with the all white leaves. Weird #hoyakrimsonqueen
Mid Summer 2023

Not sure what to do to make the leaves stop coming in all white? Any idea? #hoyakrimsonqueen

Curious. It's pretty though

May be a genetic mutation?

It is allot of times they say the white leaves die off that's why they are bad but honestly these are fine and I have a regular stand @charlotte

Mid Spring 2023

Can u see the tiny new leaves they just keep coming in white but surprisingly they aren't dying off so not sure if I should cut them off. Or maybe cut off all the green and propagate and leave the white and see what happens. Idk

@heatherdirtyhands what is the goal? Make more? I'd just let it be, they are so gorgeous. My whites don't die off although I heard they do. I've only lost 1 in over a year.

The goal would be to have a non suicidal plant lol so it can get chlorophyll but it seems to be doing ok really @leafylife

@heatherdirtyhands does the rest of the plant have green leaves? I'll post an updated one of mine, lots of white, haven't lost any leaves... loosing one near the base, but it's been on there for a couple years
Late Winter 2023

I just keep getting white leaves ... They don't die off tho so that's a plus also the other leaves are getting bigger #hoyakrimsonqueen

Late Summer 2022

I had to remove Iike half of the plant because it just kept shriveling but the remaining plant is finally growing and I am so excited #hoyakrimsonqueen
Late Summer 2022

The new pink leaves are growing pretty fast. After years of no growth. Really happy #hoyakrimsonqueen

About time, huh?
Mid Spring 2022

@leafygreen so this came apart from my plant when I was repotting it. It has some roots but isnt looking so great now that its in its own pot. It's a little wrinkly so I thought watering it would help (that's how u tell they need watered) but its still looking the same. I'm guessing the roots aren't very good so just see how it goes. If it dies its ok. Mine grows super slow and has never flowered. I hope it will soon tho. #hoyakrimsonqueen
Finally growing...can't wait for it to flower #hoyakrimsonqueen