Late Spring 2023
- 1
Late Spring 2023
- 1
Late Winter 2022
- 5
Early Autumn 2020
- 1
Mid Summer 2020
- 4
Late Autumn 2019
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Late Winter 2019
- 4

Hoya Carnosa Variegata
Late Spring 2023
Late Spring 2023

#newleaves #hoya so cute
Late Winter 2022

So I really didn't water this for a lonnng time this winter and noticed it was super dehydrated. I watered it and it is coming back man!💚 I am so happy because I killed so.many hoya but this one is hanging in there with me yayyyy #hoya #hoyacarnosa

Treat it like a succulent; water when dry, let it dry out between.

I usually do but I went off the rails and neglected a bunch of plants recently. Trying to salvage what is left. Glad she's still going @lovestogarden

I understand. I have neglected all my plants, so I know that mode.

Yeah it just happens sometimes. Especially if they are in a place I dont look at often. Thats what happened This time @lovestogarden
Early Autumn 2020

OMG finally #newgrowth on my #hoyacarnosavariegata #finally #thewaitisover
Mid Summer 2020

Shes getting pink again. Yay. I was afraid she wasnt gonna make it as with all my hoyas (they seem to hate me even though I love them so much) so I'm happy to see her doing better #hoyacarnosavariegata

I remember a couple years ago when you had these. Not sure if it’s the same one but mine took a couple years to get that pretty pink. I hope you get a bunch of pink. Wouldn’t that look pretty!!!!🤗🤗👍🏻😊💕

I thought that was a devil’s backbone but it’s not is it??😊💕

No I never had a devils backbone its definitely a hoya u can scroll back and see when it was big and new. Its much smaller now but starting to grow again. It would def look super cool with a bunch of pink @terrimclaughlin
Late Autumn 2019

My favorite #hoya It never disappoints me. Leaves are always nice and stiff whereas the other ones are not as dependable. I love how many white leaves there are #whiteleaves #hoyacarnosavariegata
Mid Autumn 2019

More all #white leaves on this #hoya
Mid Autumn 2019

So many all #white leaves on my #hoya I cant believe it.
Late Winter 2019

Love her #hoya #hoyacarnosavariegata


@cyndi @terrimclaughlin I love her all white leaves....

I love variegated and you do have those white leaves!!!!😊💕
#newleaves #hoya cuties