Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 'Variegata'
Variegated Lavender Scallops
Early Autumn 2019
- 10
Mid Summer 2019
- 2

Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi 'Variegata'
Early Autumn 2019
Mid Summer 2019

This new growth is great! I loved it before but wow the new stuff is beautiful. #newgrowth #succulent #lavendarscallops

I have new growth on mine too! 💚 Such a pretty plant!
#succulenthelp why does my #lavenderscallops have huge #aerial-roots like this? Can anyone help maybe u @savannahssucculentgarden
Wants water 💦
You can trim them off too if you’d like.
Actually is this suppose to have them? I’ve always been told that if my succulents have aerial roots they need water but I could be wrong. I think some plants are suppose to have. Sorry I wasn’t much help.
A lot of times it means a succulent needs more water, but some are known to grow aerial roots normally. Lavender scallops often have these. As long as the leaves are not wrinkled, it should be okay. You can cut them off if you don't like the appearance, but it won't harm the plant to leave them.
I agree that they're normal. I read an article that said they may be for balance also.
Balance would make sense tho because the plant got really tall over the summer and very top heavy. The dirt doesn't seem excessively dry for succulents u know. I'll keep an eye on it tho. I don't mind them if the plant wants them it can keep them lol @savannahssucculentgarden @pmulder @cyndi @CindyMettille
So I just read that at first they grow upright then with age they send down aerial roots then go to the side and find their way to the dirt. Like sprawl out @savannahssucculentgarden @pmulder @cyndi @CindyMettille
@heatherdirtyhands that's cool! Thanks for sharing this info. Happy Gardening!🍀
@heatherdirtyhands That is cool! I knew it was normal for them, but didn't know the purpose for it. Thanks for sharing. 😊