Mammillaria spinosissima f. rubrispina
Red Headed Irishman
Early Summer 2020
- 5
Early Autumn 2019
- 1

Mammillaria spinosissima f. rubrispina
Early Summer 2020
Early Autumn 2019

He was complete with dreadful fake flower ughhh whyyyy but I love him now #redheadedirishman #cacti
I'm not sure but I think this may have mealy bugs? Does it look like it to u? I had what could have been aphids or mealies on a couple prickly pears and I saw this and wasn't sure but the more I examine I think so. They arent moving. I poured peroxide on the cactus and dirt and I dont know what to do next I just chucked the other ones mayve u should do that with this. I liked it tho. Hope they didnt spread to any of the others it was near #redheadedirishman #advice #mealybugs
Looks like it could be mealy bugs. I use neem oil spray. It’s organic and non toxic. Seems to do the trick for me.
The last time I had mealybugs, I checked the plant every day & squished every bug I saw, using toothpicks & tweezers to get into narrow spots. After about a month, I didn't see them anymore. (Systemic insecticides work well against mealybugs, but cacti don't take up enough water for it to work.) Good luck! These buggers are annoying!
Tbh I threw everything I thought had them away. I don't wanna be squshing them and obsessing over them. I'll try to find new ones of the cacti I lost. No patience lol plus they freak me out @battlekittyspastica @philstalder although I never see nice fairy castle cactus like the one I had but they had drained it so bad it was bright yellow and floppy. I thought I overwatered till further inspection....i never hardly water it tho
That’s too bad. Sometimes you just have to let go. I’ve been down that road many time. Good luck. 🍀