Monstera karstenianum
Monstera karstenianum
Early Spring 2024
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Late Winter 2023
- 1
Late Winter 2023
- 1
Early Winter 2023
- 1
Late Summer 2022
- 4
Late Summer 2022
- 3
Mid Summer 2022
- 1
Mid Summer 2022
- 2
Mid Summer 2022
- 1
Early Summer 2022
- 1
Mid Spring 2022
- 1
Early Autumn 2021
- 2
Late Summer 2021
- 1

Monstera karstenianum
Early Spring 2024
Late Winter 2023

This plant got so long. Started with four leaves and now has like 14 and it lost a few. Also starting to get new vines so it won't be just one long one. I got it on a curly stick for now but it reaches the top so.... #monsteraperu
Late Winter 2023

I spy three new growth points! My one Vine is gonna fill out. Yay! #monsteraperu
Early Winter 2023

Omg omg omg I know it's hard to tell on this terrible camera BUT I was debating on chopping this single stem Peru but when watering it just now I see two new growth points coming from the base. This is my FAVORITE plant and I couldn't be happier!!! Like literally plant wise the happiest I can get!!! #newgrowth #monsteraperu
Late Summer 2022

Not sure if u can see it but I put this on a way taller swirly curly stick and I hope it's strong enough to last #monsteraperu this plant grows fast af

I really like this photo, there are so many elements in it. From the little figure in the small round pot to the stone step feature and the pink 🦆 duck planter and all the different shades of green foliage.

Thank u. It's chaos back there right now and I had just put the stick in and just plopped it in the center. Thank u for taking time to notice little details @ripjuju

Also @ripjuju the pink duck is a flamino and thanks for noticing the details!!
Late Summer 2022

My #monsteraperu is putting on new growth so quickly I need to put it on a way longer pole now. This little one was a waste of time. I had no idea it would grow like this. I guess it loves it outside

I got the same one

Yeah yours is really full and nice @kelsey92
Mid Summer 2022

#newleaf #monsteraperu
Mid Summer 2022

I am obsessed with every new leaf this plant makes. I wish I would have used a bigger stick and pot for it. I guess I'll have to redo before fall because it's about to outgrow pole with the new leaf about to open #monsteraperu #favorite

I wish I could @apomwo right now it's only one vine and I'm not ready to cut it yet. We'll see. This is my favorite u know
Mid Summer 2022

I always wanted a leaf that looked like this and now I do. Not sure why #monsteraperu
Early Summer 2022

Look at my baby #newgrowth #monsteraperu it's starting to vine now
Mid Spring 2022

#repotted and put an old stick in there for it to climb #monsteraperu my fav plant!
Early Autumn 2021

Finally got him home! I am smitten literally like I can't get over the beauty #monsteraperu he had a new leaf coming in but I chopped it to prop it. Tbh it had a little mark on it and it seemed like it had lost a leaf and was spaced a bit so off it went #texture

loving your plants choices
Late Summer 2021

My pride and joy that is not yet at my house and I'm having separation anxiety lol anyway one of my most rare plants and omg I hope nothing happens to it please keep her safe @sandman1961 till I can get her! #monsteraperu #monsterakarstenianum
Down to one leaf and it just will not grow! What to do #monsteraperu
Beats me