Nephrolepis obliterata
Mid Autumn 2019
Early Autumn 2019

It said #swordfern #australianswordfern I know it probably will die on me but i hope not I really like her. Is Kimberly queen fern the same thing because thats what popped up when I typed in what it said on the tag

If you put it in a insulated storage shed it want die. My ferns didn't.

Oh I'm.keeping it in the house. Ferns dont love me lol

I just got one of these. It is originally called an Australian sword fern because it was discovered in kimberley Australia
Decided this needed a larger better looking pot and since the anthurium that was in it is doing horrendous I did a switcheroo and out the anthurium in water to see if it perks up. I love this pot and I love this fern its doing so well for me I hope it doesnt change. Ferns arent the easiest for me . #kimberlyqueenfern #fern #repot #cutepot #pleasedontdie it has alot of new fronds I love how they #unfurl