Peperomia argyreia
Watermelon Peperomia
Mid Spring 2021
- 6
Early Spring 2021
- 4
Late Winter 2021
- 1
Late Winter 2021
- 2

Peperomia argyreia
Mid Spring 2021
Early Spring 2021

Looking nice today. Its not a plant I think thats doing the best but honestly looks cool right now #watermelonpeperomia

It’s ok Heater. You’ll always be my friend, I know what it’s like to be curious 🤨 🙂

Thank u @docthrill

These are cool looking. 😊🌞
Late Winter 2021

#watermelonpeperomia #peperomia #hugeleaves
Late Winter 2021

Omg.omg.omg. LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THIS LEAF. AND I DONT HAVE DAINTY HANDS! LOL it's huge! I'm overjoyed to have this plant but sooo scared it will die because peperomias hate me. Like for real. Anyway I'll try my best because I'll cry when its gone. The leaves have some damage but this is the type of plant I wont cut those leaves off lol #watermelonpeperomia #planthaul #newplant #peperomia #hugeleaves

I’ve been looking at peperomias and thinking of bringing som home some grow a lot like begonias, beautiful ☺️
Why do #peperomia HATE me? I mean every dam time I try one. So a hanging shelf fell and kind of hit this so it was leaning to one side pretty bad. Then it seemed to perk up a tinyyyy bit and now today its limp and lifeless so i decided to water again aftet I did probably a little over a week ago. I dont see much hope or that helping tbh. Also moved it closer to a window. Well see..... #planthelp #plantquestion what do I do to be successful at this?
Scroll back to see how great it was before!
Same with me. I can't get these going at all.
Now I dont feel as bad @kelsey92
@heatherdirtyhands I feel your pain. Mine was looking great. I made the mistake of giving it a compliment and now it looks like crap.
Hahaha @jaeCee I get it. Totally. It looks even worse today since I moved it to more light. Go figure