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Profile Image Heather Milyak


Hey I'm heather I'm a total plant nerd and have a zest for any plant knowledge my tiny apartment is a plantastrophe I can't get enough.

Philodendron Brandtianum

  • Season Icon Mid SpringMid Spring 2022
  • Like Count 11

So i have had this cutting in a water a very long time and no roots yet. I ended up making the cutting shorter and putting a piece of the stem with nodes in a prop bix with moss. Now the cutting looks even better I just really want roots and i don't know how to speed it up #waterpropagation #philodendronbrandy #brandiantum #philodendron

  • Season Icon Mid WinterMid Winter 2022
  • Like Count 7

So i never really liked these or saw the hype. Their growth pattern is weird but anyway I ended up with one basically because they are trendy and hated the way it was growing. So I chopped it and made cuttings and NOW they are growing on me. I HOPE these cuttings make it. I wish it was spring and warmer. Honestly I have 3 clip on grow lights still in the box. Ugh. Depression is real #philodendronbrandy #philodendron

  • Season Icon Early AutumnEarly Autumn 2021
  • Like Count 12

So got this and it was droopy but super wet and packed around the pot with soaked moss so upon removing everything realized it was a bunch of barely rooted cuttings. Anyway now it's in water. Well see what happens #philodendronbrandy


I only have one leaf left so....not a great plant @apomwo
