Philodendron 'Thai Sunrise'
Philodendron 'Thai Sunrise'
Mid Summer 2021
- 2
Late Autumn 2020
- 1
Late Autumn 2020
- 1
Mid Autumn 2020
- 2
Early Autumn 2020
- 6

Philodendron 'Thai Sunrise'
Mid Summer 2021
Late Autumn 2020

The top of my #thaisunrise looks like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree lol. This plant tho....dam...shes beautiful. Needs more light I think so I got to change some things up
Late Autumn 2020

I hate when this happens with #newgrowth. Dies before it even has a chance. Anyone else have this happen sometimes? It seems like with this and my burle marx I see this. Ugh #thaisunrise #philodendron
Mid Autumn 2020

#newleaf on my #thaisunrise #philodendron hope some of these small leaves start to catch up to the bigger older leaves.

Gorgeous foliage 💚💛😊
Early Autumn 2020

Look at my new baby.....the tag says golden goddess hybrid but it really looks like a thai sunrise what do u think. I tried looking up hybrids but found none so.....anyway what do u think #goldengoddesshybrid #thaisunrise PlantID

I'm not sure...not at home would the tag say so? @cyndi

I think you called it when you said Thai Sunrise. 👌

I would go with #thaisunrise! Sometimes growers give them fun names, so it intrigues the buyer!

Its crazy tho because Thai sunrise is so expensive compared to a golden goddess and since it said hybrid I just dont know what else it could possibly be mixed with u know considering it looks exactly like Thai sunrise. I wish it told u what the hybrid is u know. Im just really happy with the plant its so cool and beautiful and growing already so I dont care what it is just would like to know (ocd) @KariSamuel

Remember that growers also set their own prices! Much of it is supply & demand! I have gotten some really nice, *rare* plants, paying a high price for them. In a months time, 2 of my other local greenhouses had them for half the price I paid & full shelves! I would say, count yourself lucky for finding one at a great price & don't worry about the exact hybrid, as the growing information will remain the same! It truly IS a gorgeous plant & I'm happy you got it under your care! Go ahead, name it!
Lost so much of this. All the leaves with dark green variegation. Wonder if it'll stay like this. At least it's hanging on #philodendronthaisunrise #goldengoddess
@apomwo haha dead