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Profile Image Heather Milyak


Hey I'm heather I'm a total plant nerd and have a zest for any plant knowledge my tiny apartment is a plantastrophe I can't get enough.

Sansevieria Moonshine

  • Season Icon Mid SpringMid Spring 2022
  • Like Count 9

@leafygreen this is a #sansevieria-moonshine #snakeplant #moonshinesnakeplant its just a pup and isn't rooted so I would also keep the soil slightly moist until it roots. I had it in water trying to grow roots but I decided to just go for it and pot it up for u. Once its well rooted it won't need much water and you'll have to put it into a bigger pot because it'll get alot bigger. This one is so tiny. Snake plants root systems are strong af and can break a plastic pot


Is leafygreen a friend of yours?
