Epipremnum aureum 'Manjula' syn. Epipremnum aureum 'Happy Leaf'
Epipremnum 'Manjula'
Mid Autumn 2019
- 12

Epipremnum aureum 'Manjula' syn. Epipremnum aureum 'Happy Leaf'
Mid Autumn 2019
#pothos #manjula #epipremnum-aureum #epipremnum-aureum-manjula #variegated #houseplant I traded 6 leaf cuttings of my Marble Queen for 6 of this kind from my uncle last year. He believes it is Pearls and Jade, but does not understand the wavy, wider leaves are proof it’s Manjula. I’ll teach him someday. 🐶
Love that #pokemon
Well, I mean...!!! 😂 Idk, I understand sometimes it’s hard to tell, and I understand not just instantly accepting someone’s word. But when there is proof, not just a theory, then accept it dang it! 🙈😂 Plant ID’s are a mess enough as it is without resistance being added on top 🙃 @angiie
OMG! FINALLY! @jyotu I’ve been having them photo bomb my pictures ever since I joined, hoping and waiting for someone to say something about them! 😂 I was starting to think all the world’s gardeners were too old or just not gamers, and that my babies would never get recognized. 🙈 They’re my version of garden gnomes 🤫
Love the foliage on this one 😍 side-note That’s your Pokémon ! I thought of you more as a Balbasaur owner 😂😂
Omg love the photobomb. First thing I noticed! I don’t think the poison that weezing emits will be very good for your plants 😂 @heelerpup
Thanks for explaining the difference between the two now im gonna go check mine again...
@kim16993 @angiie Pothos is too hard to kill, I think it’ll be alright even with the poison. 😉
@heatherdirtyhands While of course there’s exceptions on each individual plant, pothos leaves are mostly flat (forming that slightly cup shape shape near the stem but you know what I mean 🐶) and are more or less teardrop shaped. But the Manjula leaves are wavy or crinkled, kinda more like this symbol ~ ~ ~ and are usually shorter in length, and wider at the base near the leaf stem, kinda like a fat bottomed Hershey’s kiss chocolate.
@heatherdirtyhands Something else I’ve noticed is that Pearls and Jade’s white/cream areas are solid colored, without flecks of green/silver-green, whereas Manjula’s white/cream areas are more accented with greed flecks/streaks. Every leaf is different though, and so that’s not a solid rule. Hope this helps, I just wanted to go into a little more detail if you were gonna be using it to check your plant. 🍀🐶
I beg to differ. I just posted my P.pearls & jade along with a link to Costa Farms description of various pothos varieties. It says the white areas are often mottled with silver or green. I'm not saying 'I'm right' because I've been wrong many many times!! Please check out my pic and tell me what you think. I got my plant directly from Costa Farms. Thank you. @heatherdirtyhands @heelerpup