Maranta Leuconeura Var. Erythroneura
Red Maranta Prayer Plant
Mid Autumn 2019
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Early Autumn 2019
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Early Autumn 2019
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Early Summer 2019
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Maranta Leuconeura Var. Erythroneura
Mid Autumn 2019
Early Autumn 2019

The flowers only last from sun up to sunset, but the flower spikes are like #gladiolus, with numerous flowers up the stem, opening from bottom to top. Once my first one showed up, they just kept coming and still are with nights in the low 50Fâs/high 40Fâs. #prayer-plant #pink #red-maranta #houseplant

@cynthia2019 Oh wow! I think mine averages 6-9 per.
Early Autumn 2019

#red-maranta #prayer-plant #red #houseplant This is it now, itâs so big I keep having to move other plants off that shelf because as the plant âpraysâ it knocks other plants over and breaks their branches 😆

I've never seen the flowers on these plants before 💗

@anges Theyâre pretty, but very small. However thereâs almost always more than one at a time so they stand out more. ^_^

Great! 😊💗
Early Summer 2019

Issues with the listed care instructions of this on here: Mainly it just makes this plant seem way harder to care for than it actually is. This plant is not picky about soil ph, (excluding extremes)it is not humidity sensitive (except the extremes of course), it blooms constantly spring-fall, itâs not picky about air flow, and lastly an hour or hour and a half of EARLY morning or LATE evening sun is good for it, and will not burn leaves. So long as, like with all plants, you acclimate it slowly.

One thing to note, is they are SLIGHTLY sensitive to chlorine. Leave your cup of water to sit overnight before watering. BUT, using water thats not sat out wonât kill it. Itâs also not really cold sensitive. Not frost hardy of course, but cold 47F-55F fall nights with 60F-70F days arenât a problem for it. Itâs an easy plant that shouldnât be overcomplicated. 😸 #Prayer-plant #red-maranta #red #houseplant

@cynthia2019 Good to know Iâm not alone. I worry giving advice like that sometimes, on the off chance that Iâm just more âexperiencedâ or my plant is an unusually hardy one. But I donât want greenhorns being put off by false and overcomplicated care instructions. As exotic looking as it is, and the fact they MOVE so dramatically, its a plant I think everyone should have â¨

@cynthia2019 Oh, and thank you! 🐶
#red-maranta #prayer-plant #red #houseplant Ahhhhh! Thatâs a #seed-pod Iâm pretty sure! 🤩🍀 Lucky 4-leaf clover lend me your aid! #seed