Paeonia x suffruticosa 'Rou Fu Rong'
Tree Peony 'Rou Fu Rong'
Late Spring 2021
- 3
Mid Spring 2021
- 1
Mid Spring 2021
- 0
Late Winter 2021
- 2
Mid Spring 2020
- 1
Mid Spring 2020
- 1
Early Spring 2020
- 2
Late Winter 2020
- 1
Mid Winter 2020
- 5
Mid Winter 2020
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 2
Mid Spring 2017
- 2
Mid Spring 2017
- 9
Mid Spring 2017
- 6
Early Spring 2017
- 15
Early Spring 2017
- 6
Late Winter 2017
- 3
Late Winter 2017
- 5
Late Winter 2017
- 8
Mid Winter 2017
- 12
Early Spring 2016
- 0

Paeonia x suffruticosa 'Rou Fu Rong'
Late Spring 2021
Mid Spring 2021

That’s very like mine, never had a name for it Jason
Mid Spring 2021
Late Winter 2021

There will be flowers 😊

Mid Spring 2020

The flower bud got battered last week by hail! It didn't do it any good 😫
Mid Spring 2020

Good name
Early Spring 2020

Getting bigger 😁

It's growing, alright! 😍😍😍 #growing
Late Winter 2020

Getting bigger 😁
Mid Winter 2020

A flower bud 😁😁😁 so ridiculously excited as it last flowered 2017! Yipee 🎉

🎉🎉🎉 So excited for you! Yay!

Fantastic! I'm a big fan of tree peonies & get just as excited when mine get any flower buds too! 🤔

@jeatacake I've been very disappointed the last two years so this is just fantastic and not to wish time away but can't wait to see flowers this year 😁

I know exactly how you feel. I think while the plants are still fairly young, their flowering can be a bit erratic. I'll settle for the odd flower or 2 on my 4 plants!
Mid Winter 2020

New growth 🤞🏼 for flowers this year
Early Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2017


Mid Spring 2017


Wow, the wind has nearly finished ours off this looks stunning 😍😍


Wow !!!!

Very pretty 💕

Gorgeous 💕

#stunning #pinkflowers #pinktreepeony


Mid Spring 2017

Fingers crossed for nice weather this weekend! 😎

And toes 👍😀

Rubbish picture @Hellebore 😉😉😉😉😉. Great work

@plantlover96 oh cheers 🙄 a little blurry I know but we can't all be as fab at pics as you 😜

@Hellebore only joking your pics are great 😜

@plantlover96 I know 🤡😆😛
Early Spring 2017

Look at this flower go 😄

This will be stunning, poking forward to mine opening up too 😁

Ohh, the suspense Liz. 😍😍😍. With regards to the #helleboreseedswap what do the seed pods need to look like before I can harvest them please? 🤔🤔🤔

Fabulous. Is is covered with buds? 💕

@susieg this is the only one and as it's never flowered before and it's the first and only tree peony I own I'm assuming (like this one with this bud) all bud/flowers that will be come through with the new growth for this year which is now established - do you know?

Can't wait to see the flower Liz looks like a beautiful colour 😊 @Hellebore

My MiL has one and I think it took a few years to flower. The good news is it's now covered in beautiful blooms 😊👍

@pelly they go brown and you'll see the pods start to crack open. If you don't want to loose any seeds you can gently nip the pod together and if it opens and the seeds are black inside they are ready. I'll post when mine are ready to harvest

Thanks Liz 😍😍😍

Oh the colour looks amazing. I have a white one in flower now, it has taken 3 years! 4 buds this year.

@sara2309 I've had this for 3 years and this is the first year it has flowered and only one flower - I'm assuming all buds come with new growth for this year and there won't be any others - do you know?

Exactly right. What you have is all you will get for this year. It is a teaser for years to come!
Early Spring 2017
Late Winter 2017
Late Winter 2017

Sorry another picture of my tree peony but I'm so excited 😄

@happy-orc I posted the new shoots of this 4weeks ago and you wanted updates check it out now 🌸

Don't apologise, that's why we're on here☺ colour looks lovely

@titchyfra It's never flowered before I keep going out daily and looking at the bud! 😍

It looks wonderful!! 👍👍
Late Winter 2017

Beyond excited 😄😃😬

Everything is growing well @hellebore



Wow lots of new growth there!

Fab 💃💃

Wow, I love these 😄
Mid Winter 2017

Hoping for beautiful flowers this year 😍

Please keep us posted! I'm so excited to see them. Do you know what colour they bloom?

Grew mine from seed. They're now coming on for 5 years old - hoping for flowers too! Good luck with yours!

@happy-orc is particular one Rou Fu Rong is pink just as pink as this bow 🎀

@beckers1974 from seed! That's fantastic - I hope to see some flowers from yours later in the year then 😄

How exciting! I've got one in the garden, must be coming up to 5 years old & still no flowers 😞 Any tips @Hellebore @beckers1974 ?! 🌿🌸🍀

@LadySmiff they can take a few years to settle in but common reasons for them not following - not planted deep enough or not enough sun light.

Thanks Elizabeth @Hellebore 🌸👌🌿

@LadySmiff been reading a bit. They prefer to be in the ground - mine are still in pots - in sunny pos'n but sheltered from wind. Don't ask for much 😂 @Hellebore I was really chuffed as I only paid 99p for the seeds, from China

@beckers1974 oh yes they do assumed yours where in the ground! Will you now be putting them in the ground? Plant them deep enough if so!

I will be, at some point, once I've got my garden organised. Thanks for the advice xx

Thanks @beckers1974 and good luck with the seeds 🌿👌🌸
Early Spring 2016
Oh la la 💞💞💞
Love the name 😛