Calathea Insignis
Zebra plant
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Late Winter 2018
- 6
Late Winter 2018
- 2
Late Winter 2018
- 1

Calathea Insignis
Mid Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2018

My calathea has been on a west facing windowsill most of the day enjoying the sunshine as it's been looking a little down and I've just noticed its all stuck up and frilled out. 🐡🐡
Early Spring 2018

Keeping an eye on my calathea, getting these brown scars and although lots of new leaves were unfurling for a while once I brought it home they seem stunted. 🤔 hoping it's just due to my house not having heating on as much as I probably should 😅 I've been thinking of putting it in the frontroom which gets so much more light than the kitchen but it's also so much colder as it's got big old patio doors. See if summer perks it up.
Late Winter 2018

Nooo! 😰😰😰 Blue mold seems to have turned up overnight?! Only watered it once, a week and half ago since bringing it home! Any #help or #advice? Is blue/green fungus treated the same as white fungus?

Oh no 😐 Did you repot it or is this still the soil in which you got it? The soil in which plants are sold has often rather bad quality. I would repot it. It's often said that soil with coco peat is much better than with.. the common peat (? don't know the english word sorry 😂). To prevent mold you can aerate the soil every now and then and maybe also add some active carbon.

Try a sprinkling of cinnamon on top of the soil. It acts as a natural fungicide 😊

repot in fresh soil. only water when top 1" deep is dry. to wet don't water by week . water by dry @higuy

Thanks for all the advice guys definitely does need a repot @natii hadn't done it so far as didn't want to kill it which I usually do! Lol I think the bargain store near me does the coco peat blocks so will go have a look over the weekend! Removed the fungus which was only on the top actually and have sprinkled some cinnamon on until tomorrow thanks @hayleyaj I think I am slowly but surely learning when it comes to overwatering everything 😝 @moore.794

Most plants will tell you when they need water. Wait til surface compost is dry. 😊
Late Winter 2018
Late Winter 2018

Calathea Lepordina looking great
Flash on my camera is like a floodlight 🙄