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Second year 'gardening' after a first full of lessons from mother nature, hoping to fill the garden full of life and could use all the extra help!

Fargesia 'murielae'

  • Season Icon Mid SpringMid Spring 2018
  • Like Count 11

#advice so I cut all the foliage right down, pulled out some of the dead nodes and teased some roots from the bottom. If I plant it like this will new growth form in a circle? Do I chop it in half?

  • Season Icon Mid SpringMid Spring 2018
  • Like Count 8

Took this out of the border for my mum years ago as cats spraying on it had kinda ruined it, she wouldn't let me cut it back so it's been at the back of the garden in no soil except a root carpet of soil. I want to plant it but will need to remove foliage(?)
