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Second year 'gardening' after a first full of lessons from mother nature, hoping to fill the garden full of life and could use all the extra help!

Helianthus annuus 'Sunburst'

  • Season Icon Mid SpringMid Spring 2018
  • Like Count 6

Planted some more sunflowers cause I'm such a worrier I'm worrying I'm gonna repeat the same mistakes of last year (sowing too late) but this year I've sown too early so most of my seedlings have perished Idk why


Oh sorry I didn't mean my sunflowers I'm just rambling lol. I started a huge seed tray of Asters and Snapdragons along with lobelia and some gazania very early this year, the gazania didn't come up at all and the others were doing well until a month or so ago when they just started dying off so that's why I'm doing sunflowers cause even I can grow them 😝
